Watch Windows Listed on the Eventive pages and in Confirmation Emails
Carly Moser
The amount of time a film is available is not clear to the consumer and the majority of our customer services issues and refunds are due to the fact that the unlock window/ watch window is not clear at the time of purchase and is not listed in the confirmation email. The film now available emails do have the window listed but the confirmation emails do not. Can these two items be worked on?
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Carly Moser
Doesn't appear to have the windows of avail in the order confirmation. I did a test and not seeing the update.
Theo Patt
The unlock & watch widow details are now listed in the order confirmation emails as well as on the webpage. :)
Carly Moser
Is there a way to have the watch window and finish watching window list in hours rather than days. Like a toggle to pick how it is displayed in settings for each festival? We are moving to 48 hour windows I think 2 days is vague to some people as they might not understand when that day starts for them. Also we are attempting replicate systems people know, like renting from Amazon or Apple which have hours not days.
Theo Patt
in progress
We've added a new display of unlock/watch window, as well as price, directly on the virtual screening listing page, without the need for the user to enter the checkout flow! We'll also be adding this to emails.
Theo Patt
We're going to be making a series of changes to make these windows clearer both on the site (even before starting checkout), and in the confirmation emails.