View events from Tags page (to match Venues feature)
Curtis Dunn
View and edit events from the Tags tab on admin. This would then match the very useful way you can go to a venue and view all events in that venue... It would be great to go to a tag and then see all events/films that have that tag attached. You can of course go to the native site and then filter view, but especially with hidden tags, it's difficult to then edit a number of events under a given tag.
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Kimberley Busato
We have recently added a feature that will allow you to view where tags are in use. Currently it doesn't allow you to edit your tags directly from that view, but it's a start.
To View where tags are applied, go to Tags under the desired event bucket and click "View" next to the tag you want to check (see screenshot 1).
Once you've clicked "View" you'd be able to see films that are associated with that tag and events that are associated with that tag (see screenshot 2). from the tag specific tables, there are action buttons (view and edit) that can take you to view or edit the associated films or events.
Please take a peek and let us know what you think.
Claire Garrison
Kimberley Busato Looks great! This will help us manage tags better as we set up for our 2025 festival. Love that you've included the Hidden? and Color info too.