Pass Bucket report by date purchased including name address, and email of purchaser
under review
Megan Koza Mitchell
Need the abiility to run a weekly report of certain pass buckets that includes what pass, date of purchase, what was purchased and all contact information of purchaser
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Kimberley Busato
Megan Koza Mitchell under the "view" for each pass bucket, there is also an option to download a passes + tickets ordered csv. Does this report address any of your concerns?
Kimberley Busato
Megan Koza Mitchell, you can see which pass types were used to reserve tickets to which events using Pass Ticket Analytics.
Is there a reason that you are needing to rung a weekly report that is so granular as to know which people are using what passes for which events on a weekly basis?
Charles Judson
under review
This is available for recurring passes. Will explore options for general passes.