Option to add pre-roll to a specific film
Emma Dove
The ability to add pre-roll to individual films rather that only at the start of the reel, which would mean that, for example, access information tiles could be added for specific films within a reel, just before they play.
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Charles Judson
Charles Judson
Hi Emma, you can do that. If you add this as a film, then on the left hand side, below the virtual content box, select hide everywhere, you can slot that into the screening. It won't show up in the playlist, but will still play.
Marilyn Pifer
Charles Judson: This works perfectly!
Marilyn Pifer
@Charles Judson Well, almost perfectly. Hide everywhere does not hide from the "Physical" event created from a virtual screening in order to generate a Schedule. Workaround is to remove the should-be-hidden film from the Physical event, while keeping it in the Virtual Screening. Clunky but effective.