No Barcode Buttons
Jilly Burtnett
In the My Tickets account page, we don't need any barcodes since all of our content is VOD. In fact, having barcodes just confuses patrons. We need options to just watch movies of those that are purchased in the My Tickets section. Can we update that buttons available in the My Tickets profile page?
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Theo Patt
The physical My Tickets page has been revamped to support virtual events, and now hides the barcode buttons and instead links directly to their screening pages. Thanks everyone!
Chris Lyon (Film Prize)
Theo Patt: Does this apply to passes as well?
Theo Patt
Chris Lyon (Film Prize): Good question, right now no since many hybrid events are using passes for both virtual and physical events, but this is a cool idea to consider maybe offering a way for you as the Organizer to indicate a pass is virtual only/hide barcodes... we will explore this further!
Theo Patt
in progress
Ashley Simmons
Agreed. Would be great if it was a watch now button that takes you to the event page of that ticketed film for Virtual fesitvals.
Theo Patt
Theo Patt
Great point, Jilly! We'll make clearer the distinction between virtual tix and physical tix on that screen, with direct play links for virtual, and make it easy for customers to get to the content library ( too!