Log who makes changes
Dina Damte
If a refund is issued or tickets deleted it would be great to see which user made the changes next to the transaction.
Log In
Charles Judson
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Admin Change-Log
Michael McCarthy
It'd be great to see a change-log somewhere on the admin backend so we can stay up to day on changes/additions to Eventive
Charles Judson
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user log of changes
Monika Leska
We want to be able to tell which user has done changes in our system, like deletion, additions, creations, etc. There is just so ,many people using our system and things get changed without approval. I can't figure out who is responsible.
Charles Judson
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Activity Log
Alana Davis
Activity Log for each ORG with user, last page, last activity / function, time stamp, etc. Helpful for keeping track of which roles edit which pages.
Charles Judson
Erne Murphy
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Administrator ability to view change history for records
NashFilm Box Office
Creation date, modification log by username
Erne Murphy
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Change log / What's new
Jonas Saabel
I love that you're constantly developing the site and adding functionality, but miss a quick way to keep track of changes and improvements on your end. The closest we come is filtering the feature request section, but it would be great to be able to view changes in reverse chronological order.
Erne Murphy
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Activity log by backend user
Heather Gilchrist
I would very much like to be able to audit what particular users of the backend have done, for internal security purposes. Since use of discounts isn't limitable by access level (which would also be a great future feature), this would just help me ensure that nobody is abusing the discounts and free passes, and it would allow me to check the work (e.g., email entries and other changes to person accounts) of users.