Once you get a customer to the check out page, the opportunity to maximize their spend there is key.
As we all know, some films sell better than others, and filling up those less popular screenings is important. Yes, you can use discount codes to do that, you can use custom messages in the check out emails all that jazz, but to speak to my above point, that requires the customer to do more work and make that decision to move to check out again. Instead, what I would love is the ability to have a little pop up or something that says, "Hey, we see you're buying a ticket to Film X! Here's 3 films we think you'd love as well-just click 'Add On' to select a film to add to your order with a discounted ticket price".
Obviously the ideal is that we could change this dynamically based on film preferences but even if it was static across the whole event bucket would be an amazing marketing opportunity.