Create a Shopping Cart
Candace Walker
Create a shopping cart — instead of pay as you go — so festivals can offer viewers quantity price breaks on # movies ordered or money spent.
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Kimberley Busato
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Allow continued shopping with items saved in a cart
Lucia Juliao
Currently, when someone purchases a single ticket, they must complete the transaction before viewing another film page. It would be beneficial to allow customers to use an online shopping cart, so they can purchase single tickets to more than one movie in a single transaction
Christina Turner
Has there been any update on allowing customers to purchase items, passes, and tickets in a single transaction? I'm genuinely surprised this isn’t a higher priority on the list.
Kimberley Busato
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Shopping Basket
Karen Gaudino
It would be ideal if customers could buy multiple items in one transaction not just multiples of one item in a transaction.
Kimberley Busato
It would also be nice for this cart to be global for year round cinemas... since memberships may be in a different event bucket and being able to sell a membership in the same transaction as tix & concessions, etc would be great.
Jennifer Gerber
Please create a cart function! We have guests that are buying more than 1 thing at a time online to attend our festival and they have to check out separately for each item and it's a pain. We launched our festival sales today and it's the biggest complaint we have from our customers. I'm hoping it can be fixed!
Kimberley Busato
Jennifer Gerber: Jennifer Gerber: Hello Jennifer, we do have a a shopping cart and we have enabled on your current event bucket (Inception to Projection 2023).
This cart feature can be enabled for any future event buckets by reaching out to us via chat support and requesting that the feature be enabled.
Currently a feature that was already active on your event bucket is "Order all Starred". When a customer uses the stars in order to mark the events they are interested in and then select the toggle at the top of the screen that says "only show starred events" a button will appear that says order ticket(s) to X starred event(s)... this feature will load all of the starred films into the cart. This feature is for standalone ticket orders only (currently not compatible with pass use), but it is another pathway to having multiple events in the cart for checkout.
Jennifer Gerber
Kimberley Busato: Thank you! I was hoping this feature would apply to our VALLEY OF THE VAPORS festival too. People buy camping and festival passes together but are having to check out separately for each and it’s kind of a pain. Thanks for your support!
Kimberley Busato
Jennifer Gerber: the shopping cart feature and the order all starred feature is currently for standalone ticket orders only... passes can't currently be applied to shopping carts or order all starred at the present time - this is something we are looking at for future development.
For Valley of the Vapors, are there going to be any standalone ticket sales? or is the event is pass only? If the event is pass only we would recommend disabling both features.
For further support with this feature, please reach out to our chat support agents by logging into your eventive dashboard and clicking the blue chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.
Megan Cotterell
Kimberley Busato has there been any progress on passes being able to be included in carts with standalone tickets too? Also, does the cart feature work for live and virtual events together?
Erne Murphy
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Shopping cart
Please allow customers to add films to their shopping cart and then pay for all of them with a single transaction.
Erne Murphy
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Cart Style "customize your # of films" purchase
Erin McVoy
Would love to have the ability for customers to add multiple "individual film tickets" to a cart style checkout so they only pay once, but can choose several films from within a festival. We don't want to create "3 film" + "5 film" + "8 film", etc passes, but would love for patrons to have this "customize your own pass" option without going through multiple checkouts.