Box Office & Scanner Apps both BLUE?
Annie Brown
The icons for the two apps are so similar in color that it is hard to differentiate. We have to run both at the door, as the only way to see a list of ticket buyers is via the Box Office app and the only way to Scan is via the scanner app. It would also be great to see a continuously refreshing scan count in both apps easily.
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Dylan Levy
Thank you for your feedback on these! We understand your point on the similar colors between the two apps and wanting to be able to access attendee lists from the scanner app.
Regarding scanning itself, while we absolutely recommend using the scanner, you can use "Check-in" feature in the box office app to "mark as scanned" tickets for anyone who already ordered one by swiping right on their name:
Please let us know though if that does not resolve your concerns with scanning in the box office app, or if you have any further questions on that feature.
Dylan Levy: Got it. Great if the app colors are more differentiated.
As to the other, yes of course we know about checking people in on the box office app. The issue is that if I have a volunteer scanning people in - there are always customers who struggle with the technology and it's easier to just check them off - but that requires having a separate device with the box office app up in order to access that list. My request is, can you make it possible, within the scanner app, to toggle between the check off list and the scanner? It'd be faster and only require one device that way which = better and faster customer service
Dylan Levy
Admin: Thank you for elaborating! We can definitely see the value of a ticketholder check-in list in the scanner app. We'll look into it.
YES, please differentiate the colors. And YES, frustrating that the ticket buyer list is in Box Office app and scanning is Scanner App. Please make the list ALSO available on the scanner app. Those who are scanning shouldn't have to go between apps or devices to provide good customer service in welcoming ticket buyers.