

Bulk Actions

To save you time in the dashboard when circumstances change, we've added new bulk action options.
The 'Bulk Actions' button will allow you to apply an action to one or more tickets or passes at a time.
Available bulk actions include:
  • refund
  • mark ticket as scanned
  • delete
  • change
  • exchange
This button will appear above the top right corner of ticket tables and pass tables throughout your Eventive dashboard when you have selected one or more tickets or passes using the checkboxes on the left side of a ticket table or pass table.
For Tickets, you can access this button from the customer profile, from an order, or from the Ticket listing for any physical event or virtual screening.
For passes, you can access this button from the customer profile, from an order, or from any Pass Bucket view.
For more information on bulk actions and how they work, please visit these recently updated help articles: