To help you keep your Eventive dashboard organized and easy to use, we’ve added an “Archive Event Bucket” button in place of the “Delete Event Bucket” button in your Event Bucket Settings.
When you archive an event bucket, all sales in that event bucket are automatically disabled and all events, pass buckets, financial data, setup and configuration are preserved so that you can easily duplicate event buckets to create the framework for any future events.
Archived event buckets are moved into the archive section of your dashboard, and can be accessed at any time by clicking on the archive section in the sidebar. They will no longer appear in the Eventive Scanner event bucket selector.
You can unarchive as needed using the “event bucket mode” option in settings, as well as all the other functions that were previously available in that section.
What if I really need to delete an event bucket?
​Event buckets can be deleted by submitting a request for event bucket deletion via Eventive Support Chat by clicking the blue chat icon in the bottom right corner of your Eventive Dashboard. You may be asked to confirm your reason for deleting an event bucket.
​Should you choose to delete an event bucket, and you change your mind for any reason, you may only do so up to 14 days from the day of deletion and restoring a deleting an event bucket is subject to a fee.
For more information regarding best practices around Festival Wrap up, please check out this Tips & Tricks article.