Customize ticket confirmation email for a specific event
Kimberley Busato
For events (in cinema or virtual) that have special instructions, have a field on the event page that will allow us to fill in custom text to be added to the ticket confirmation email.
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Charles Judson
Charles Judson
This feature is now live for virtual screenings!
Theo Patt
in progress
Erne Murphy
Merged in a post:
Customize confirmation email per film
Jennifer Selco
Customize confirmation email per film
Erne Murphy
Merged in a post:
Your Pre-order is ready email - option to NOT send, as well as include instructions to log in
Erne Murphy
Create the ability to customize this email, as well as include instructions to login to their content library as standard language.
+Allow for organizations to block the system's automatic "pre-order is ready" email on a per-screening level.
(from Marcia Tobin, Santa Fe Jewish Film Festival)
This would be a huge asset for us as an organization as each organization has different marketing terms and what currently goes out is not customizable and is too generic
Marcia Torobin
The pre-order ready language is particularly problematic for a livestream which starts at a specific time but yet you want to give folks the ability to enter later. The current language uses the unlock period for stating when the attendee can start "watching". At a minimum, there needs to be the ability to confirm that the program starts promptly at the start time and anyone entering late will miss the beginning of the program. Allowing complete customization of this e-mail would solve this and other problems.
Annie Brown
and include customer name on the ticket